Does this sound familiar?
Your head hits the pillow at night, your eyes pop open and your brain engages. The things on your to do list begin tap dancing in your head. There are so many things that need your attention that you are robbed of the ability to sleep.
You have so many things to do that you live in a constant state of anxiety that something will be missed.
There are so many reminders on your phone that the constant dinging is driving you slowly insane.
Sound familiar?
We all have so much to do that life really can become overwhelming.
Our responsibilities run the gamut from taking care of small children to taking care of elderly parents.
There is a lot to do, all of the time.
How is it possible to keep track of everything?
There is a a simple solution.
The solution is low tech but it works wonders for your peace of mind.
Write it down. With pencil and paper.
Old fashioned? Yes. Effective? Double yes.
Writing it down helps move it from your mind to it’s new home on a list. There is something about writing down a to do item that cleanses it from the brain. And crossing it out? Priceless!
Rest will come easier because nothing is going to be overlooked. In the morning, the list will still be waiting.
Any old notebook will do but I have to tell you that for me a stenographer’s notebook works best.
As I am writing this, I am looking around my house. There is a stenographer’s notebook in my kitchen and a second in my home office. Without looking, I know that there are two on my desk at work.
The stenographer’s notebook is small. The line down the middle naturally compartmentalizes my lists. Personal things go on the left. Professional items on the right. If I use it for groceries; aisle items on the left and fresh groceries on the right. You get the idea.
Why not an app?
Apps are wonderful for many things. But in this instance, an app is too easily out of sight out of mind.
If I were to put my to do list on an app, I would have to write myself a note to remember to check the app!
Also, opening an app on my phone and typing in an item is not always convenient. With a notebook laying on my cabinet I can jot something down as soon as it crosses my mind.
A written list works wonders.
A written list, lying where it can be seen, is a constant reminder of what has to be done as well as what has already been accomplished.
With a written list laying where it will constantly be seen, it becomes virtually impossible to forget something.
Knowing that the list can’t be overlooked allows sleep and peace to come more easily.
There is an additional benefit. Unimportant and often overlooked tasks are also on the list. After looking at an item for the umteenth time, it is easier to just do it so it can be crossed off.
If you are suffering from brain overload, consider giving the paper and pencil method of list making a try. You might find that the crazy in your brain is just a little bit calmer.
Again, it’s always the little things!
Are you getting What is “The Little Letter”? |
(It’s a little thing that would mean a lot to me!)
I usually write a list of things to get out of the frig the night before or else I have no snacks at work. You don’t want to see hangry Whitney! I will have to try it for my to do list too. I use the notepad on my phone but your right, sometimes I forget to look at it because it’s out of sight. It is kinda funny that this is today’s post because I forgot my note last night and therefore forgot my snacks as well as breastmilk for the sitter. Luckily, the sitter lives next door.
I can’t imagine hangry Whitney!
I am so much more efficient when I keep a visible to do list going.
Thanks for checking in.
Writing things down helps me so much, I feel like if I get it off my mind and on paper it makes me so much less stressed. I feel like I should keep a little piece of paper by my bed at this point becasue I wake up with things on my mind!
Great idea!