Battling Sick Germs in Your Home

Are you one of the families where sick germs have invaded your home and seem to have taken up permanent residence?


For the past two months, our family has dealt with what feels like a ceaseless onslaught of viruses and bugs.  Sickness has taken possession of our home, and we are pretty much losing the battle.

This isn’t our first experience with never ending bouts of illness, but it has been many years since we’ve experienced this level of wintertime ills. 

When our kids were young, we only half joked that other families went to the beach but that we went to the doctor and hospital. 

Over time, I developed my own personal arsenal for times such as these.    

Last week, I decided it was time to, once again, do battle against the invading sick germs. 


How to fight sick germs in your home


First and foremost, treat the air you breathe. 


Many viruses are airborne and attacking the airborne germs is the place to begin. 


Assuming it’s safe to do so, open the windows.


Stale indoor air needs to circulate.

Turn the thermostat down and open the windows a few inches. 

When sickness hits, aim for keeping the windows open for five minutes a day.   

When everyone is healthy, make opening the windows a preventative practice. 


Invest in an air purifier.


If opening the windows is not an option, or if you simply want additional ammunition, invest in an air purifier. 



Replace the HVAC filters.


The job of the HVAC filters is to trap dirty air.  The dirtier the filter, the dirtier the air being circulated back into the house.    

Routinely replace HVAC filters.

Monthly is ideal but when everyone is sick, consider replacing the filters more often.

My cousin told me that when they had Covid, she replaced the HVAC filters every two weeks. 



Disinfecting air sprays might be an option.


I have written and rewritten this section countless times.

Honesty is always the best policy. 

I am sure that disinfecting sprays have their place in treating airborne germs. 

Because aerosols and anything scented is a non-option in our home, I don’t feel comfortable including them as a way to treat airborne germs. 

However, for years I have used a DIY air freshener that I hope doubles as a disinfecting spray (no guarantees).  It’s also effective to use to disinfect mattresses and pillows as well as many high touch areas. 

The “recipe” for DIY air freshener  can be found at the end of the post. 


Once you’ve treated the air, it’s time to tackle the other areas of your home. 


High touch areas


Every area of your home has areas that are frequently touched by everyone who lives there.  I call these high touch areas.  

Think faucets, doorknobs, and remotes.  

Most of us are aware of the importance of disinfecting these high touch areas.


However, unless you are following the instructions on the product you are using, you are probably not disinfecting.


You might be surprised to learn that disinfecting or sanitizing is a two-step process.

First you clean, then you disinfect or sanitize.  In order to disinfect or sanitize, most products must remain on the surface for several minutes. 

During healthy times, cleaning is completely adequate. 

In order to fight sick germs during illness, it is important to make sure you are disinfecting or sanitizing all high touch areas of your home.

Follow the directions!

Note:  If you want a completely safe, non-toxic option, check out Force of Nature*.  Just make sure you follow the directions. 


Fighting bathroom germs


Replace hand towels with paper towels.


Don’t use a family towel for hand drying.  Handwashing is pretty much useless if germs are shared on a communal towel.   


Keep dirty towels off the floor and counters.


Damp, dirty towels provide a fertile breeding ground for germs.

Keep towels off the floor and counters (and beds and chairs and dressers!) and in the hamper.

Wash often and, if possible, add disinfecting bleach or a sanitizing additive. 


Make using hand sanitizer convenient.


Place bottles of hand sanitizer in convenient locations.

Family members may or may not always wash their hands effectively.

Making hand sanitizer convenient to use gives hand washing a little boost. 


Disinfect or replace toothbrushes.


How to disinfect a toothbrush


Purchase an antibacterial mouthwash.  Put the toothbrush in a cup, bristles down.  Pour enough mouthwash into the cup to cover the bristles.  Allow it to set for thirty seconds.  Remove and rinse.

Toothbrushes should be replaced every three months. 

Following an illness, immediately replace toothbrushes.      


Combating germs in the bedroom


Treat the sleeping area.


Wash the sheets and blankets.


Wash sheets and blankets in the hottest water recommended on the care label. 

Add bleach or sanitizer when possible.


Disinfect the mattress.


To disinfect the mattress, use Force of Nature* or follow the directions at the end of this post for the DIY version.

Use a washable mattress cover as another layer of mattress protection. 


Wash the pillows.


If possible, wash the pillows.  If it’s not possible, disinfect them.  Force of Nature* can be used on pillows as a disinfectant and a DIY version can be found at the end of the post. 


I’m sure that everyone who has battled sick germs in their house could add to this post.  By no means is it all inclusive.

It’s definitely not written to give any kind of medical advice.

It’s written to be a great starting point to fighting sick germs in the home. 

Start fighting the small battles and hopefully the war will eventually be won, and everyone will be healthy again.


*note:  I have been so impressed by Force of Nature that I have applied to be an affiliate.  If approved, the post will be updated to reflect that affiliate status.  As of this first writing, these are not affiliate links.


DIY air freshener, mattress and pillow disinfectant

Vodka is for so much more than drinking!

Fill a spray bottle with vodka (the higher the alcohol content the better).


To use as an air freshener

Open the windows in the room you want to clean and mist the air. 


To use as a mattress and pillow disinfectant

Open the windows and spray a fine mist on mattresses and pillowcases.  

Allow to air dry.




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1 thought on “Battling Sick Germs in Your Home

  1. I always enjoy reading your Living by Littles tidbits. Informative and entertaining. Thank you for providing your learned from experience words of wisdom. In addition to the cleaning portion, I need to suggest to include the prevention portion. We are all bound to get sick at some point regardless of our best prevention measures, but it’s worth noting.
    Keep your hands off of your face. Wash your hands often and with intention. ( Watch what your putting into your body, make healthy choices. Sugar is known to suppress your immune system, limit its intake, especially if you’re starting to feel a sickness coming on. When you can, sit out in the sun, get that natural Vitamin D3. If that’s not an option, consider supplementing with Vitamin D3 (it’s best to know your blood levels). Support your immune system. Get plenty of sleep. Manage your stress. Sitting still for 1-3 minutes while taking cleansing breaths works really well for lowering stress levels.
    I’m not always free from illness or stress, but an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure as the saying goes.
    In the meantime I think I’ll be trying that Vodka air freshener suggestion!

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