The Easiest Way To Clean Reusable Straws

Reusable straws in a pouch with a bottle on a pink background

What is the easiest way to clean reusable straws?


If you hesitate to convert to reusable straws because it seems like just one more thing to clean, let me reassure you. 

Cleaning reusable straws is easier and quicker than you realize. 



This post contains affiliate links, which means, at no cost to you,  I may earn a commission if you make a purchase through these links. Please note that I only recommend products that I personally use and believe will add value to my followers.  I was an Amazon addict long before I became a blogger!

As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. 


My Story


Keeping my house clean enough involves an ongoing battle with clutter.

Clutter just magically breeds.  I can close a perfectly clean kitchen drawer only to open it and find it filled with clutter. 

And nothing creates more random clutter than a bunch of plastic straws strewn throughout a drawer. 

Ages ago, I took the plunge and bought a set of metal straws with the sole intention of replacing our plastic straws.

Reusable straws felt like a good way to do something small for the environment while helping control my clutter problem. 

However, I didn’t immediately make the switch because, honestly, I just didn’t want to deal with cleaning them. 

Like anything, half the battle is simply starting. 

Cleaning reusable straws is no exception.

The way I clean reusable straws is both fast and effective. 


Start with a soak.


Using a solution of either dish soap and very warm water, or one-part white vinegar and three parts very warm water, put the reusable straws in for a soak. 

(Just like soaking berries, only use warm water instead of cold).

If you prefer not to use either dish soap or vinegar, boiling water can be used on most stainless steel and silicone straws.  (This eliminates the need to rinse. ).

Go about your business while the straws soak.  Aim for about thirty minutes.


Give the inside of each straw a good brush. 


While the straws are soaking run a straw brush or pipe cleaner through the straw just like you would a bottle. 

Most reusable straws come with a brush with which to wash them.

When it goes missing, a pipe cleaner works great as well. 


Rinse the straws thoroughly.


Either hold the straws under running water, allowing the water to go through the inside of each straw, or fill a container with clean water and throw them in that. 


Give them a good shake and let the straws air dry.


The best way that I have found to air dry straws is to put a paper towel in the bottom of a tall glass and stand the straws vertically in the glass.  

Allow the straws to dry all night and put them away in the morning. 


Washing reusable straws in the dishwasher is an option.


Most reusable straws made of stainless steel, silicone, or glass, are usually dishwasher safe (check the packaging).

The dishwasher isn’t as efficient on the inside of a straw as a brush. 


And there it is, only minutes of hands-on time is needed to clean reusable straws. 


So, hesitate no more. 

Cleaning reusable straws is easier and quicker than you thought possible. 


My picks for reusable straws:  


My first choice in reusable straws are silicone reusable straws.  They feel more like the plastic straws that I am most used to using.  

However, as of this writing, there’s a great deal on stainless steel metal straws.

Both of these links are affiliate links.  But rest assured, I was an Amazon addict way before I ever became a blogger!  



(it’s a little thing that means a lot to me!)