Build Good Habits written on a napkin

Micro Habits-Transform Your Life in Minutes!

Would you like to transform your life in minutes?   Micro habits, those tiny, almost unnoticed, daily habits, makes transforming your life in minutes a definite possibility.     My Story   Until recently, the concept of micro habits was entirely…

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A weekly planning board

How to Enjoy a Smoother Week!

Do you ever wonder what you can do to make the coming week go a lot smoother?   A small commitment to a few simple things each Sunday calms the chaos and ensures an easier and smoother week ahead.   …

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A cup of coffee with a pen and piece of paper with ready to change written on it.

The Key to Lasting Change

Did you know that eighty percent of New Year’s Resolutions fail within the first two weeks of the new year?   The key to lasting change is both easier and harder than you think.   My story   On one…

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What should I do written on a chalkboard

Should I or Should I Not?

Should you or should you not?  Maybe you should, but before you decide, be able to answer the crucial question of why.    My story   After graduating from high school, I followed the expected path and enrolled in college. …

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A glass of spilled milk

There’s No Use Crying Over Spilled Milk!

What is your gut level reaction to life’s little accidents and misfortunes?   Frustration and anger will be instantly reduced when you remind yourself that life happens, and there’s no use crying over spilled milk.   Growing up, if I heard…

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Napkin with writing on it

How to Reply to Unwanted Opinions and Comments

What is your immediate reaction when someone zings you with criticism cloaked in the form of an unwanted, unsolicited opinion or comment?   Since thinking quick when caught off guard is difficult, having a standard, go to, reply can salvage…

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Staycation written on a notebook

Make Your Next Vacation a Staycation

Does a vacation sound appealing but not currently a realistic option?   Join the growing trend of people choosing to make their next vacation a staycation.   A staycation provides the benefits of a traditional vacation while minimizing the expense and…

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