Are You Facing a Challenging Climb?

Life is full of challenges but sometimes we face a climb so steep, we are convinced we will never be able to make it.       Are you facing a tough climb in your personal life?   It turns out…

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Antiques grey Jeep

Life Lessons from My Jeep

Five years ago, I took the plunge and bought a brand-new Jeep Cherokee.   (On my lunch hour, without telling Brian.  But that is a post for another day!)  Until recently, it has been a trouble free five years.  The…

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What do you expect message written in notebook

Clearly Communicate Expectations

Reading time:  approximately 2 minutes Have you ever made a request of someone only to be left wondering, “what the heck?” when you see the results?   Just recently, I offered to pay an individual a lump sum to clean…

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Reading a book and drinking coffee

Should You Be Investing in Yourself?

Read time:  approximately 4 minutes Do you feel burned out, stressed out and at the end of your ever-loving rope?   If so, then I must ask, should you be investing in yourself?   Many years ago, I was walking…

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dog sleeping on back with legs in the air

Are You Tired All the Time?

Are you tired all the time?   So many people experience the syndrome that there is now an acronym for it, TATT-tired all the time.  If you are one of those people you probably assume that by going to bed…

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Dealing with Past Mistakes

Read time:  Approximately 3 minutes   Have you ever made a mistake that continues to haunt you?   At some point, everyone wishes they had a rewind button so they could go back and right a wrong.  Mentally dealing with…

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Change One Thing

Read time:  Approximately 3 minutes New Years has come and gone and quite likely, many New Year’s Resolutions. If you are one of the lucky few still holding strong to your resolutions, I applaud you. If you have already given…

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Managing Family Holiday Expectations

Reading time:  approximately 3 minutes  Is managing family holiday expectations filling you with dread?   Let’s face it.  2020 has been a mean, hard year.  And it has the potential to get even uglier as the holidays approach. Unfortunately, it’s…

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ladies legs in running shoes

Moving Beyond Good Intentions

Read time:  approximately 2 minutes Quick!  When was the last time you said to a friend, “we need to get together”?   Now, when was the last time that you actually planned a date and time and made that get…

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