How to Create a Master Shopping List

grocery shopping lost

Reading time:  Approximately 3 minutes

How and why to create a Master Shopping List


Would you like to save both time and money when doing the grocery shopping?

Would you like to avoid purchasing an item only to discover that you are the proud owner of three identical items already residing in your pantry?

Would you like to end the grocery shopping insanity?


The solution lies in creating a Master Shopping List.


What is a Master Shopping List, how do you create one and how can it help?


What is a Master Shopping List?


A Master Shopping List is simply a list that you have compiled, over time, of absolutely everything that your family uses and that is purchased when you go grocery shopping.

From soap to soup, eventually everything should be on the list.


How do you create a Master Shopping List?


There are a couple of different ways to accomplish creating a Master Shopping List.  There is no right or wrong way.  It is all personal preference. 


One way to begin is by simply taking a blank sheet of paper and posting it in a convenient location. 


As you, or someone in your family, uses an item write it on the list.

The first few days it will be an inconvenience, but the end result is well worth the effort. 

After a few days, the main items will all have been added to the list. 


An alternative is to take a bit of time and in one sitting list everything that you can think of that your family uses on a regular basis. 


Either way you begin, creating your list will be an ongoing project. 

Taking the time to create your list is one of those instances that the time invested on the front end pays dividends on the back end for years to come.    

Whichever way works for you, the goal is the same:  To create a comprehensive list of everything that your family routinely purchases

Once you have an extensive list you are ready for the second step in creating a Master Shopping List.


Step two in creating a Master Shopping List


Since you will need the ability to add and delete items over time (babies really do quit wearing diapers), I suggest that you create an electronic list. 

If hand-written is more your cup of tea, no big deal.  You can make copies.

Enter every single item into a spreadsheet (definitely not a good suggestion for my sister 😂) or a word document in a way that works for your brain. 

I have found it easiest to group like items together and in a semblance of how things are actually found where I shop.

Since I am a checklist person, my list includes a line for a checkmark.  

Leave some room to add things that have been forgotten or are one-time only purchases.


How can a Master Shopping List Help?


Keep a printed copy of your list in a convenient location.

(Mine is on the refrigerator)

If you run out of an item, mark it in some way.  A check mark works for me. 

Prior to going to the grocery store, grab your list and do a quick inspection to determine on what you are running low.  Put a check mark by anything that you want to purchase.

Cross out all items that you do not need or do not intend to purchase during the current trip. 

Consult your meal plan for the week to ensure that you have all necessary ingredients.

You are finished.

Grab the pre-printed list and go to the store.

Even if you currently grocery shop using pick-up, utilizing a Master Shopping List can ensure that nothing is missed.

As you go through the list you can simply add necessary items to your on-line cart. 


Which brings me back to the question; do you want to save both time and money when grocery shopping? 


If the answer is yes, then take the time to create your own personal Master Shopping List sooner rather than later. 



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