How To Organize Product and Warranty Information

file folders in a drawer

updated 06/03/2022

approximate read time:  3 minutes

What is your plan for organizing product and warranty information on a major purchase?


Not having a plan in place can be an expensive mistake. 

This past week, as luck would have it, our central air decided to make it’s exit.

Following the sighs and groans, a lively conversation ensued concerning the location of the product and warranty information.

Neither of which could be found.

“How is it possible,” asked Brian, “that we can have a manual on a screwdriver and no information on such a major purchase?” 

The product and warranty information were never located, and the repair was costly. 

However, that incident propelled me to implement a plan to store and organize warranty information. 

History tells me that any system that I put in place has to be easy to maintain.  


Creating a simple system to organize product and warranty information is easy and requires a minimal investment of time and money. 


In fact, in order to keep this system simple, there are only three necessary items:  a file folder, a writing instrument (I prefer a Sharpie) and a working staple gun. 


Organizing product and warranty information begins the minute you make a purchase.


First and foremost, keep the receipt.


In the event of a necessary repair, you may or may not need the original receipt.

Just to be safe, keep the receipt. 

Crumpled with all manner of debris in the bottom of a purse is not considered keeping the receipt.


Label a manilla file folder with the name of the purchase as soon as possible.      


If you lay it all aside until you have time to print a nice, neat, label, chances are, a vital piece of paper will go missing before the product and warranty information gets filed. 

Label the file folder by hand and call it good enough. 


Utilize the inside of the file folder to document any important information that might be useful at a glance.


Here are the basics:

  • Place of purchase
  • Date of purchase
  • Cost of purchase
  • Model or serial number
  • Date it was registered. (if it had to be registered)
  • When the warranty expires

It is amazing how often you will refer to this information.


Staple the receipt to the inside of the file folder.


Stapling the receipt keeps that little piece of paper from going missing.


If registering the product is necessary, either fill out and mail the required registration or, if possible, register the purchase online.


Either way you register the purchase, make a copy of the registration information and place it inside of the file folder.

Keeping an online copy on your computer is a great backup as well. 


Put a copy of the owner’s manual and any other purchase information in the file folder.


With most manuals available online, you will be tempted to throw out the hard copy manual to save space.

In the event you need the manual, the time you will save by having a hard copy is worth having taken up the little bit of extra space. 


Designate a place to file product and warranty information.


Going to the trouble of gathering and organizing the information is pointless if you can’t locate the file folder.

If you have a file cabinet, designate one space to file product and warranty information. 

If you don’t have a file cabinet, consider purchasing a portable filing box.  

Tip:  Make sure it closes.  Open containers end up full of dust.

Close the drawer or box!  That’s it. You have succeeded in organizing your product and warranty information!

Prepare to congratulate yourself on the day you need the information.  Because you will know exactly where to go to locate the product and warranty information that you filed long ago. 

On that day, you will be a superhero (or you will look like an incredibly efficient adult!)

Enjoy the moment!



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2 thoughts on “How To Organize Product and Warranty Information

  1. This is especially important for an iPhone and iPad. My son decided one day that he wanted to “unlink” his iPhone from the iPad. He was able to access his phone but the iPad was rendered useless because he failed to write down the password he quickly made up for that device. Had we not had our receipts and serial numbers for all devices involved (which had been bought many years prior) we would never be able to get into the iPad again. The process was painful and time consuming but we made it through! My system is to keep the receipts in a file drawer but every receipt and every warranty is just shoved in only separated by home stuff, toys, etc. If each item had a folder the search would have taken
    less time for sure! Stay cool! 😎

    1. I absolutely never considered that! Lucky you that you had it. Thanks for the insight! You stay cool too! 😊

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