Keep Swimming

The Ocean and shoreline

How do you keep going when navigating difficult seasons of life? 


The inspiring story of Florence Chadwick.


Years ago, I read a story that stuck with me.

Although I could never recall the specifics, the gist of the story made a lasting impression.

The story was about a swimmer who was attempting a long-distance swim between Catalina Island and the California Coastline.  Hours into the swim a thick fog rolled in.  Eventually she asked to be removed from the water.  After being pulled from the water, she found out that she was less than a mile from reaching the shore. 

During the second attempt, the fog closed in again.  However, this time, she was able to keep swimming.  When questioned, she said that she had a clear mental picture of the shoreline, whether she was able to see it or not.  All she had to do was keep swimming and eventually she would reach her destination. 

With the help of Google, I now know the name of the swimmer was Florence Chadwick.

After rereading her story, I still find it inspiring.    


While most people would see the goal setting application, it’s the everyday life application of the story that resonates with me. 


There will be fog.


Without notice, the fog can close in, obscuring the shoreline.

It may be the fog of unemployment, illness or the fog of having a bad day.

The fog will not be the same for everyone, but at some point, everyone will experience the fog.    


Even if you can’t see the shore, it is there.    


There are days and seasons that are so overwhelming that you can’t believe the shore even exists.

Have faith that it exists and eventually, if you just keep swimming, you will get there.

One sure truth in life is that this too shall pass. 


Maintain a mental picture of what the shore looks like. 


It may not be exact, but a mental picture of the good things to come is a powerful motivator.  


The shoreline is probably closer than you think.


If you quit too soon you may never know how close you were to making it.  Keep swimming. 


Rely on your team. 


In her first attempt at crossing from Catalina Island to the California shore, Francis had a team of supporters. 

Their help included shooting at sharks that were threatening her.

There are sharks everywhere. 

Have supporters on your team willing to shoot the sharks.   


If you get pulled out of the water once, be willing to get back in.


There will be mistakes and failures, learn from them, get back into the water and keep swimming.

How do you keep going when navigating difficult seasons of life?


Keep swimming.  Keep swimming.  Keep swimming.

Make it a basic life mantra.

Because, despite the setbacks and challenges, life really is good.  And when you reach the shore of your current situation, the swim will have been worth it.




Check out  Micki’s Little Letter

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