Micro Habits-Transform Your Life in Minutes!

Build Good Habits written on a napkin

Would you like to transform your life in minutes?


Micro habits, those tiny, almost unnoticed, daily habits, makes transforming your life in minutes a definite possibility.  


My Story


Until recently, the concept of micro habits was entirely foreign to me. 

But after reading an article about the power of micro habits, the idea took root and grew.    

Suddenly, I became acutely aware of the multitude of micro habits that make up my day.  Unfortunately, in my case, many of my habits were bad ones. 

From the lid left off the toothpaste, to leaving a towel on the couch, the trail of evidence was everywhere. 

It quickly became evident that micro habits matter, and that transforming my life was entirely possible by focusing on my daily micro habits. 


Make Micro Habits Work for You


Start noticing the multitude of micro habits that already make up your day.


From the start to the end of each and every day, our time is comprised of micro habits. 

Be intentional about noticing them. 

The point of noticing is not immediate change but to simply take note of the possibilities. 


Take the good micro habits as a win.


If you are lucky enough to have a day full of good micro habits, enjoy the win. 


Transform the bad micro habits to good micro habits. 


A lot of people are wired to do this. I am not one of them. 

Hang up the towel, put the lid on the toothpaste, hang your clothes up when you come home. 

The list of possibilities to turn bad micro habits to good is endless. 

The end result of consistently defaulting to a good micro habit instead of a bad one is nothing short of amazing. 


Look for new micro habit possibilities.  


The possibilities for adding new, positive, micro habits into your day is endless as well.  

Anything that can be done in minutes that has a positive impact on your life offers a possibility.

Get the coffee ready at night, drink eight ounces of water every time you go to the bathroom, walk three minutes on the treadmill in the morning (three walked is better than thirty not walked!).

What little thing can you do in minutes that would make your life better?  Turn it into a micro habit. 


Do it again, and again, and yet again.


It takes time to turn an action into a habit.  Stick with it.  Write it on a Post It Note if it helps you remember. 

Do it until it becomes a habit. 

After it’s a habit, you will do it without thinking. 


Would you like to transform your life in minutes?


Put the power of micro habits to work in your life and enjoy the transformation! 



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