One Easy Way to Reduce Morning Stress!

Basket full of personal care items

Is getting up, getting ready, and getting out the door in the mornings a major stress inducer for you?


One great way to reduce morning stress is to keep everything you need to get ready all together in one place. 


My story


In the process of dog sitting for Mandy, I discovered a great way to reduce morning stress. 

Not wanting to live out of a suitcase, I put all of my personal care items that I use in the mornings in a basket and sat it on the bathroom sink. 

What a game changer!

Not one minute was wasted digging through drawers and bins searching for stray and lost items. It was all at my fingertips.

After getting ready, everything was returned to the basket, ready to repeat the process the next day. 

Having everything I needed to get ready in one place eliminated all frantic digging and searching. 

It occurred to me that I could greatly reduce morning stress by simply duplicating the process at home. 


If you would like to reduce your morning stress, this is an easy way to start. 


Start by gathering everything you use to get ready in the mornings in one place.


Hair dryer, straightener, make-up, all of the personal grooming items you use on a daily basis.    Nothing more and nothing less. 


Choose a place or container large enough to hold all of those items. 


A basket, a cute bin, or a drawer works equally well.

If you don’t always get ready in the same room or bathroom, choose a container that’s portable. 


Make sure your bin or drawer is in a convenient location, ideally located in the same room where you will be getting ready. 


If the location is inconvenient, or you have to track down the last place you left the basket, it will add to, not reduce morning stress.


Keep only the things you need to get ready in the designated space. 


Be diligent about keeping only the things you need to get ready in your designated space. 

Don’t be tempted to toss random items in your designated space, or it will become another basket full of clutter. 


Is getting up, getting ready, and getting out the door a major stress inducer? 


Immediately reduce that stress by investing a very little bit of time into getting, and keeping, everything you need to get ready in one convenient location.  



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