An Oxygen Mask Analogy

If you have ever flown, you have witnessed the safety demonstration which includes the proper use of the oxygen mask in case of an emergency. 


If the oxygen mask would, unfortunately, fall from the ceiling, you are instructed to secure your own oxygen mask before attempting to assist those around you.  This includes your children.

There is a very valid reason for securing your own mask first.  If you are unable to get the oxygen you need, you will, very quickly, be unable to assist anyone else.    

If you have flown often, there is a tendency to disregard the safety demonstration.  You’ve heard it all before. 


There are some important life lessons that can be learned from the  analogy of the oxygen mask. 


Take care of yourself first.


Taking care of ourselves first is the opposite of what most of us think we should do.

There are so many people and things that need our attention that it feels selfish to put our own needs first.

We put ourselves last, thinking that as soon as we finally catch up, we will have a little time to do something we enjoy.

Remember the oxygen mask.  If you don’t take care of yourself, it will be a very short time before you are unable to effectively take care of others. 


Listen to the warning!


Just like the safety demonstration given each and every time you fly, it’s easy to disregard the warnings. 

Unfortunately, on a plane, if you find yourself in an emergency situation, you will probably wish you had paid closer attention.

If you are so busy taking care of everyone and everything else that you experience a physical or mental breakdown, you will wish that you had paid more attention to the warning to take care of yourself. 

If you are unable to take care of yourself or anyone else, everyone loses. 


Recently I experienced a prime example of what I now refer to as the oxygen mask analogy. 


Because of a very hectic week (think hospitals and an elderly mother), I came to the end of the week completely depleted, both physically and mentally. 

Everything that I normally do to practice even a minimum level of self-care had been abandoned. 

The situation called for drastic action.  So, with the dishes in the sink and a million things to do, I took the first step in heeding the warning.  I went to bed and slept for ten and a half hours. 

The following morning, I knew that if I was going to be able to continue to take care of all those I love, taking care of myself was going to be a necessity.    

And just like the oxygen mask demonstration on the plane, I find that I need to revisit the lesson over and over again. 


If you are rushing through life so fast that you have no time for self-care, remind yourself of the oxygen mask analogy.


Just like it is necessary for you to put your own oxygen mask on first, it’s equally important to learn to take care of yourself, both physically and mentally. 

If you really want to give those you love and care about your best self, then think of the oxygen mask analogy, and allow yourself the luxury of some much-needed self-care. 

Instead of everyone losing, everyone wins. 



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3 thoughts on “An Oxygen Mask Analogy

  1. Definitely something I need to read this morning, thank you. Sometimes I forgot that the word “No” is an answer and I can find myself overwhelmed with what I’ve said I can take on. This was a great reminder for me this morning to allow myself to breathe!

  2. It is a difficult concept to remember, especially during high stress times. We will fail often but we have to keep trying.

  3. This is one of my favorites. I am a giver. I give my all to everyone and I need to remember to do that for myself too.

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