The Best Way to Catch Up When You’re Behind

A Very Messy Desk

Is there a task on which you are so far behind that catching up seems nearly impossible? 


The best way to catch up when you’re behind is to start where you are and move forward. 


My story


Filing is one of the most dreaded parts of my job.

Unfortunately, there is no immediate pressure to keep up on the filing, enabling me to procrastinate far too long. 

However, when the auditors come calling, it’s necessary that I be able to locate and submit every requested document.   

After six months of non-filing, locating anything, let alone a one-page document, is pretty much an impossibility. 

Recently my filing hit a crisis point and with an audit looming closer every day, the pressure was on to catch up. 

Just looking at the pile gave me anxiety and catching up felt like an impossibility. 

One morning, I basically decided to start fresh, moving the pile of filing out of sight and starting a pile for anything new.    

I vowed to file anything in the new pile daily while committing fifteen minutes a day to all the old stuff. 

In just a few days’ time, I was keeping up with the new stuff and gaining serious ground on the old stuff. 

While you can never go back, you can always move forward and choosing to move forward is the best way to catch up when you’re behind. 


Start by mentally or, if possible, physically moving the old stuff to a new location.


If it’s not possible to move it physically, mentally block it off. 

Focus on what you need to do to move forward instead of what you need to do to catch up. 


Next, decide what needs to happen to start the forward moving process.


Decide what one thing you can do consistently to keep the forward momentum going. 

In order to keep my filing under control, I need to file daily.

Every morning, I start my day by filing anything from the previous day.    


Finally, come up with a strategy for dealing with the old stuff.


Remove the mental block and decide what you need to do to start catching up.

The strategy might be fifteen minutes a day, or setting aside an entire chunk of time devoted solely to catching up. 

The strategy will be different based on individual circumstances.

The important part is to decide what needs to happen and consistently follow through. 



Choosing to move forward works in so many situations.


If you have 8,567 emails, start with dealing with today’s emails.  Every day, clean up an additional days’ worth. 

Maybe your house is out of control.  Start moving forward by focusing on keeping up on one small area.  

If stacks of mail are stressing you out, start dealing with the most recent incoming mail.

I’ve even used this strategy to help a friend get back on track with her budget. 


Instead of stressing out when you get behind, be intentional about moving forward. 


This morning, I filed my final document, and my to be filed bin is completely empty! 


So, if you’re looking for the best way to catch up when you’re behind, start where you are and move forward!




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