The Key to Lasting Change

A cup of coffee with a pen and piece of paper with ready to change written on it.

Did you know that eighty percent of New Year’s Resolutions fail within the first two weeks of the new year?


The key to lasting change is both easier and harder than you think.


My story


On one of our recent therapy- by- walking sessions, my cousin and I were discussing her oldest son’s past struggles with learning to read.

Despite both hers and the school’s best efforts, reading wasn’t a skill he seemed able to learn. 

Enter a decades long approach to helping her son learn to read.  

She and her husband left no stone unturned. They were relentless in their efforts to help him learn to read. 

They consulted with any and every specialist, and tried any promising approach, they thought might help. 

Their efforts were expensive and time-consuming, but in the end worth it.

Today her son can read.  While he’s not a pleasure reader, he is definitely a functioning adult reader.

Without their efforts, their son would have remained unable to read. 

She will tell you that there was no one point at which he turned the corner. 

Instead, it was a series of small steps, changing paths, and never giving up that allowed her son to be the reader he is today. 

If you want to know the key to lasting change, learn from them.  


Be laser focused.


My cousin’s goal for her son was not “doing better in school”, it was learning to read. 

Sweeping life changes are unrealistic and set the stage for probable failure. 

If you want a life overhaul, start with zeroing in on one specific thing.


Take small, intentional steps.


Change is a long, slow walk, not a sprint or even a marathon.  Taking small steps keeps you moving forward without growing exhausted and deciding to quit.  


Be persistent.


Keep going.  Despite any setbacks and disappointments, keep going.  Even if it seems like you’re not making progress, you are.  Keep at it. 


Be consistent.


I’m convinced that most declarations of change fail because doing the same thing day after day becomes burdensome.  However, if you really want to change, that’s exactly what you have to be willing to do.  Every. Single. Day. 



There will be a cost, so be prepared to pay the price.


The cost may be in terms of time, money, or simply by having to give up something you enjoy.  Be prepared to make the sacrifice needed to get you where you want to go.


Pivot when necessary.


If you try something and it doesn’t seem to be working, don’t quit.  Find another path.  True change may require several approaches.  Be willing to explore more than one single path.  


The key to lasting change is both easy and difficult. 


It’s easy to put the plan in place and walk the path the first few days.

It’s difficult to stay the course for a few weeks, let alone for years.


If you’re planning on making a new year’s resolution, be prepared. 


Be persistent, consistent, and willing to pivot and you will be one of the twenty percent who have unlocked the key to lasting change.   



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