The Pill Dispenser that Gave Us Peace of Mind

Note:  This post contains affiliate links.  At no additional cost to you, as an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.  I only promote products I use and would call up my sister and tell her about.

Sometimes I discover a product that is life changing.  When I do, I find myself sharing it with my friends and family hoping to help someone else.  Since I consider visitors to my blog my friends, I want to share it with you.

Our youngest son was diagnosed with epilepsy in 6th grade.  We are truly thankful that his epilepsy is controlled with medicine.  However, over the years, keeping track of did he/ did he not take his pills has been horribly difficult.

Early on, we purchased a pill container complete with holders for morning and night.  One would think that would be such an easy solution.  One would be wrong.

This was one of our frequent conversations:

“Did you take your pills?”


“They are still in the container.”

“I took them.  Well, I am pretty sure I took them.”

“Then which day did you take them out of?”

“I don’t know.”

And so, it went.  Sometimes with disastrous results.

I would tell myself to make sure that I WATCHED him take his pills.

But the reality is, I too procrastinate or forget.

In addition, my goal was for him to gain complete independence in medicine management.

After one time of forgetting, with very disastrous results, I knew something had to be done.

But what?

The search was on for a superhero pill dispenser.

And we found one!

For over a year, we have been using the Live Fine automatic pill dispenser.

The Live Fine Automatic Pill Dispenser (affiliate link) has brought so much peace of mind to our family.

I consider it a battery-operated medicine assistant.

After the pills are loaded (up to six doses per day) and the alarm set, it would be difficult to question if the pills have been taken.

When the alarm sounds, complete with blinking light, the next scheduled dose rotates into place.  The current dose is the only dose accessible.

After thirty minutes, if the medicine has not been taken, the alarm shuts off.  However, the medicine remains in place.  It is easy to take a quick look and determine if the medicine has or has not been taken.

So many of my friends have elderly parents.  Over and over again I hear how difficult it is to manage meds.  Every time, I pass on our story in hopes of helping someone else. (The dispenser can also be locked which is a great feature if an individual is prone to opening it and taking more pills than they should).

Our mom is currently managing her medicine on her own.  However, I can see a day in the future where this pill dispenser could become, literally, a life saver for us.

My intent when I began this post was to outline the benefits of this particular pill dispenser.  As I wrote, I became convinced that it would be better to link to the product on Amazon, from where I purchased it.

If you have someone in your life who has to take daily meds, I urge you to check it out here  (affiliate link).  Hopefully it will bring you as much peace of mind as it has our family.

8 thoughts on “The Pill Dispenser that Gave Us Peace of Mind

  1. Clicking this post I never would have thought I would learn your son had Epilepsy! I too had Epilepsy when I was YOUNG! But thankfully I grew out of it. I did use a pill dispenser and it was lifechanging! I am so glad this has been helpful for you too!

    1. Thanks for commenting. It is amazing how many people have to use medicine on a daily basis. I am hoping this post helps a few of those.
      Hope you have a wonderful day!

  2. This is so good to know about! I don’t take any pills currently, but I’ll be saving this for future reference. This would make it so easy to track if you’d taken your medicine or not.

  3. This is soo good to know! Defintetly something I feel I could use in the future with my bubby! Thanks!

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