What to Look for in a Job Besides Just a Paycheck

Jobs for you written in cubes

Read time:  approximately 2 minutes

Besides a paycheck, what do you look for in a job?        


While employed in one of my first professional positions, I applied to, was offered, and accepted, a position that I really wanted. 

When filling out my paperwork on the first day of employment, I realized I had made a fatal error.  Health insurance was not included as part of the job offer.  As the sole carrier of insurance for our family, that was a terrifying moment.

Although the story had a happy ending, with health insurance being made available, it was an enormous wake-up call and learning experience for me.    

I learned that, when job hunting, there is more to look for in a job than simply a paycheck. 


If you are in the process of job hunting, or you happen to know a recent graduate, you may wonder what some of the things are that you can look for in a job besides just a paycheck?


Your employee status will determine if you can earn overtime pay. 


Will you be a salaried or an hourly employee?

A salaried position typically does not offer overtime pay despite working beyond forty hours per week. 

An hourly position may give you the ability to earn more money by working extra hours. 

It is important to note that whether a position is hourly, or salary is typically a matter of law, not company choice


Health insurance is a main concern for many job seekers.


If health insurance is a deciding factor, confirm the availability prior to accepting a position. 

Do not make the mistake of assuming that health insurance will be available to your family. 

If you need family coverage, verify that it is part of the job offer. 

Address specific concerns, such as the employee cost and deductible, to the human resources department.


Ask if there is a retirement option available.


The sooner you begin saving for retirement, the better.  Ask if there is a plan in which you will be allowed to participate.  


Is there a paid time off policy?


Paid time off can be offered in the form of paid time off that can be used for either sick or vacation time. 

Some companies have separate policies for sick time and vacation time.

Can you use sick time for family illness?

Paid time off policies will vary greatly from one company to another.

Paid time off can be an important perk to look for in a job. 


Are there insurance options in addition to health insurance?


Many companies have the luxury of offering vision, dental, life and many other kinds of insurance plans. 

Are those important to you?


Do you have life issues that may require you to be flexible?


Having the ability to be somewhat flexible can be a huge benefit when you have life issues like a sick child.


Is working remote an option?


Working remote can eliminate a long commute and allow you to accept a job you may otherwise have passed up. 


Some factors to look for in a job may be things that bring personal satisfaction.


For instance, working for a mission driven company or  making a difference in someone else’s life might be a factor that is personally important.


The list of things that you can look for in a job, in addition to a paycheck, is almost endless.


Decide what is key to you and weigh what you are willing to give up in order to have what is most important to you in a job.  When you find what you’re looking for in a job, besides just a paycheck, earning a paycheck will become much more enjoyable. 



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1 thought on “What to Look for in a Job Besides Just a Paycheck

  1. I love the watermelon hack. My husband’s grandfather taught me to find a ripe cantaloupe by smelling each cantaloupe. The ripest ones smell like cantaloupe while unripe ones will have little to no smell. The stronger the small the river the fruit. I apply the same strategy to finding a good pineapple.

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