Do you have a credit card, or multiple credit cards that you would love to pay off? Despite what you read, there is no hocus pocus that erases debt. However, paying off debt can be made a little easier…
Money Solutions
Little ideas and solutions for all things money
Joining a Gym-Is it Right for You?
Are you considering joining a gym? While joining a gym is a great idea for the right person, it’s not a good fit for everyone. Fifty percent of the people who join a gym quit in the first six…
Avoid the Devastating Consequences of Depositing a Bad Check!
What happens if someone writes you a bad check? If someone writes you a check that ends up bouncing, you might assume that it is their responsibility to make it right. And eventually it is. However, what happens before…
One Surprising way to Control Overspending
Is chronic overspending busting your budget and keeping you in debt? One surprising way to control overspending is by using a low limit credit card. My Story Although I live by a zero-based budget, our credit card…
Making a Financial Things To Do Pre-Vacation Checklist
If you will be traveling, make sure your planning includes a financial things to do pre-vacation checklist. Avoid nasty surprises and keep your vacation, or even weekend getaway, from being ruined by making a financial things to do pre-vacation…
One Way to Reduce the Risk of Identity Theft
Would you like to reduce the risk of identity theft and the resulting financial chaos? A credit freeze is an effective tool that reduces the risk of identity theft and the resulting financial chaos that typically follows. My…
Check Holds-What You Don’t Know CAN Hurt You!
Did you know that after depositing a check, under certain conditions, the bank may place a temporary hold on the funds? Don’t get caught unprepared. What you don’t know really can hurt you. My Story Our youngest…
Are You Safeguarding Your Idle Credit Cards?
Do you have idle credit cards laying around? My Story My son-in-law was telling me how his stellar credit score took an amazing nose-dive. The reason for the plummeting credit score was due to a never used, zero-balance credit…
Understanding the Dreaded W4 Form
What is your gut level reaction when confronted with the task of filling out a new W4 form? As the go-to for most of my family when it comes to filling out a new W4 form, I feel pretty…
Gift Cards or Cash, Which Makes the Better Gift?
Gift cards or cash, which one makes a better gift? Historically, a gift card is my gift of choice, both to give and to receive. However, a couple of recent situations have made me question whether a gift card…