Does unexpected income seem to mysteriously disappear? An easy to create spending plan is the key to getting to enjoy your next gift of cash. Reading time: approximately 2 minutes You have and live by a budget,…
Money Solutions
Little ideas and solutions for all things money
Keep Your Feet Looking Pretty
Have you ever wondered how you can keep your feet looking pretty without incurring the expense of time and money that it takes to get a professional pedicure? Professional pedicures are a splurge and to be honest I love…
Strategies to Prevent Late Payments
3 minutes approximate reading time Have you ever logged online to review an account , or opened a credit card statement, only to discover that you missed making your payment on time? Late payments can cause all kinds…
Before You Prepare Your Taxes
Would you like to reduce some of the stress that comes with filing income taxes? Every year, I prepare my mother-in-law’s taxes. Her taxes are relatively simple and easy to file online. However, every year, without fail, I am…
Pay for a Large Purchase Without Emptying Your Savings
Would you like to be able to pay for a large purchase without emptying your savings account? A pledge loan, or a savings secured loan, is a best kept financial secret that can help you make a large purchase…
Dealing with Medical Debt
Read time: approximately 5 minutes Does the thought of dealing with medical debt in your mail or inbox make you nauseous? It’s pretty much a fact of life that at some point everyone will experience some type of medical…
Can Christmas Cash Provide a Teachable Moment?
Read time: Approximately 4 minutes Do you ever question how to handle monetary gifts given to your children? Who gets to decide how the gift is spent? The kids (who may very well waste it)? The parents? Or a…
Should You DIY (do it yourself)?
Approximate reading time: 3 minutes Has this ever happened to you? You attend a craft show (or scroll Pinterest), something really cute catches your eye, it’s a little pricey for your budget and instead of simply making the purchase,…
Beware of this Online Bill Pay Disadvantage!
Do you depend on online bill pay as much as I do? It can definitely be a game changer for getting bills paid quickly and efficiently. However, I recently discovered a couple of disadvantages to using online bill pay of…
What is a Debt to Income Ratio?
Reading time: approximately 4 minutes When Brian and I (and I include myself pretty loosely here 😊 ) built our house quite a few years ago, qualifying for a mortgage loan was not all that difficult. In fact, I’m not…