Give Your Dishwasher a Little TLC!

Dishwasher Filter

Do your dishes ever look not quite clean when you take them out of the dishwasher?


Give your dishwasher a little TLC and get rewarded with sparkling clean dishes!



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My story


My dishwasher is a workhorse.  It is an integral part of my daily cleaning routine

Load, wash, empty, repeat.  And much of the time, it goes off without a hitch.

However, occasionally, I start noticing that the dishes come out looking a little worse for wear. 

They may be spotted, or foggy looking, or some may be downright dirty.

When that happens, it’s a visible reminder that I have neglected to give my dishwasher some much needed TLC. 


If you want to enjoy clean dishes, start by showing your dishwasher some love.


Clean the filter.


A nasty, smelly, filter was my introduction to the fact that every dishwasher needs to be shown some love. 

Routinely remove and clean the filter.  What’s lurking there might just churn your stomach.  If you don’t know where the filter is located, check the owner’s manual. 

Wipe out the area around the filter and remove any large chunks of food that are lodged there. 

Fill a bowl with hot sudsy water and give the filter a soak (just make sure to rinse it good so you don’t have a foamy mess when you run the dishwasher). 

Use an old electric toothbrush and scrub all the nooks and crannies of the filter. 

Here’s a challenge: take the filter out of your dishwasher and see what it looks like.  Almost everyone will be kind of sick at what they find! 


Use a commercial dishwasher cleaner to keep the inside of your dishwasher clean.


One would assume that the regular use of hot water and soap would keep a dishwasher clean.

One would assume wrong. 

A good commercial cleaner removes limescale, rust, grease, and other build up not just from the inside of the dishwasher but from all the vital parts of the dishwasher as well.

Don’t opt for a DIY cleaner.  You spent hundreds of dollars to purchase a dishwasher.  Be willing to spend just a few dollars to use a product that has been developed and tested to get the job done. 

My preference is Glisten Dishwasher Cleaner


Clean out the jet holes.


Routinely using a commercial cleaner will take care of most of the grease and grime lurking in the nooks and crannies of the dishwasher, including the jet holes. 

However, it’s possible the jet holes can get clogged, disabling the dishwasher from being able to spray the dishes hard enough. 

Use a pipe cleaner or straw brush and do a quick brush of each hole. 


Use a rinse aid.


It’s easy to overlook the empty reservoir meant for rinse aid. 

However, using a rinse aid prevents water spots and aids in drying. 

It’s not required but it’s the first line of defense against smoggy, spotted dishes.


Clean the door seal.


While cleaning the door seal won’t help the dishwasher clean better, it’s a good practice for the long term.

The last thing you want is a worn out door seal and a leaking dishwasher.

This is one of those situations where an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. 


Do you want your dishwasher to reward you with sparkling clean dishes?


Get the results you want simply by giving your dishwasher a tiny bit of TLC. 


Find it on Amazon

Glisten Dishwasher Cleaner

Straw Brush

Pipe Cleaner




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