Why Establishing Good Routines is a Great Idea

Would you like to simply your life, reduce stress and be more effective with time management?

It is possible to achieve all three by intentionally establishing effective routines.


When Covid hit, my mom was in assisted living.  A few months in, it became apparent that assisted living was no longer an option and she came to live with our family. 

There were many adjustments, but one was made easier by establishing a hair washing routine. (Of all things!)   Every single day she asked the question, “Should I wash my hair today?”

To solve the daily dilemma, I designated hair washing days. 

“We will wash your hair on Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday”. 

In the over two years she has lived in our home, we have never again had to revisit the issue of whether or not her hair should be washed. 

A hair washing routine was established. 



Good routines simplify daily living.


No longer is it necessary to reinvent the wheel on a regular basis. 

Establishing routines eliminates the need to think about many of the repetitive tasks of life. 

Intentionally establishing good routines allows you to know what you will do and when you will do it on a daily, weekly, and even yearly basis.

The tasks that become part of a routine no longer require any thought. 

The end result is that daily living becomes a little easier.


Establishing routines reduces stress.


Routines create structure.  Having structure makes life more predictable and controllable.

Feeling out of control increases stress. 

Feeling in control reduces stress.


Intentional routines promote good time management.


Knowing what is happening when, allows you to know if and when you have enough free time to add another task or activity. 


Routines provide a foundation to which you can return. 


Let’s face it.  Life happens and circumstances often make us feel like our lives have spun out of control. 

Instead of attempting to “catch up”, simply return to your normal routine.

Soon enough, calm will replace chaos and your daily routine will be back to normal.


Routines are good. 


The benefits of having and maintaining good routines are well documented.      

However, it is important to remember that routines are not rules. 

A good routine should enhance your life but not keep you stuck in a rut. 


Would you like to simplify your life, reduce stress and be more effective with time management?


Begin by incorporating some intentional daily, weekly, and possibly yearly routines!


Coming soon….How to create intentional routines!




Check out  Micki’s Little Letter

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