Living by Littles….

Delivering something little to help achieve something big!

Recently I was an audience to a conversation between two individuals regarding an issue where each person had a distinct, different, opinion.

When person 1 finished explaining her position, person 2 replied, (very nicely, I might add) “This is how I see it”.

To which person 1 promptly interrupted, pointed her finger and said, “There is no other way to see it!”.


There was.  And there is. 

Opinions.  Everyone has one.  But who is right and who is wrong?  The answer?  No one.

What is an opinion?  According to Merriam-Webster, an opinion is a view, judgment, or appraisal formed in the mind about a particular matter.

Opinions are just that.  An individual’s view formed in the mind.  Our opinions are formed and informed by our unique life experiences.  Since everyone has different life experiences it stands to reason that we will all have widely varying opinions about the same subject.

When we disallow another individual to have or state their own opinion, we are discounting their life experiences as inconsequential. They are made to feel unimportant. 

Do I have to be wrong for you to be right?

Do you have to be wrong for me to be right?

No and no!

There is room for both. 

We live in a time (I actually think this has always been the case) when opinions regarding social, political and religious issues run from wildly liberal to wildly conservative. 

Everyone wants to be right.  Unfortunately, too often, there is the belief that in order to be right and heard, the other individual must be degraded and completely shut down.

In order to accomplish that goal, ugly, ugly words are used.  Words we don’t want our children to use. 

Am I stupid because you disagree with me?  Am I an imbecile, a moron or any other derogatory name that happens to pop into your head? 

 What we are too often experiencing is a situation where a difference in opinion results in an all-out verbal assault.  Either in reality or on social media for all the world to see. 

Jobs are lost and lives are ruined because someone has the audacity to express a politically incorrect opinion.  Even politically incorrect opinions are allowed. 

They are, again, OPINIONS. 

So, what do we do when we disagree?  After all, these are opinions that are near and dear to our heart.

The solution is so simple.  Such a little thing, really.  With big results.  We can agree to disagree.  That’s it. 

“I don’t agree with you, but I respect your right to see it that way.  Let’s agree to disagree.”

 We have restored respect to a situation.  We have validated another individual’s life experiences that have contributed to their very own opinion.

Our treatment of each other is so much more important than any social, political or religious issue. 

The truth is, nothing can be resolved with hate.  

If we want to restore respect in our homes, neighborhoods and country then maybe we should begin by agreeing to disagree.

Can we agree on that?  


I would love your feedback.  Just know that comments are moderated and won’t automatically show in the comment section.  Comments are moderated as quickly as possible.

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22 thoughts on “CAN WE AGREE TO DISAGREE?

  1. Well said. Our freedoms allow even “wrong” opinions to be held and expressed by everyone.

    1. Thank you. Our opinions are our own. Agreeing to disagree would go along way to restoring respect all around.

  2. LOVE THIS! Going to school with people that are VERY different from me has taught me that’s its okay for other people to think/act different than what I do. The crazy thing is regardless of just how opposite we are we can still be civil and even be friends!

    1. Bingo! We can be friends with and even like people who are different from us in every way. Thanks for the comment.

  3. Nice comment in this sensitive time we find ourselves. Politics, religion, LGBT, guns, sports, child-rearing and other issues are often hot button topics. I often ponder what I might talk about in a crowd of strangers (or acquaintances). Not much! Heck, while I’m reading this blog I had a disagreement with my wife over how much water to put in the French press coffee pot. We agreed to disagree.

  4. We have gotten so accustomed to having it our own way and I believe it started when we were kids Micki, with Burger King and their “Have It Your Way” jingle. 😆 I completely agree with you on this issue. We do need to agree to disagree. It takes a mature person who understands that an opinion is not a personal attack and it is not ok to be personally offended as a response to someone else’s opinion

    1. That is a great point. When a child is raised to believe that everything should go / be their way, they become adults that believe the same way.
      Thanks for the comment and checking in.

  5. Our treatment of each other is so much more important than any social, political or religious issue.

    That’s my favorite part! Very appropriate timing for this blog.

  6. I have always told my kids it is fine to always have an opinion, but you don’t always have to voice that opinion. 🙂 Knowing the right time is a real sign of maturity. On a personal note, here is your chuckle for the day – I was expressing my personal thoughts about a school-related issue to a very dear friend (Sandy Bunner); I told her, “I know I am right, I don’t know how I know it, but I just know it.” Her response still cracks me up to this day: “Cause you’re a Bunner.” LOL Lesson learned. 🙂

  7. Very well said, Micki. It’s hard for me to imagine how people can immediately dislike anyone who does not agree with them. Life experiences help form opinions, and no one’s life experiences are identical to another. It’s normal to disagree, but social media has played a large part in creating a divide when opinions differ. It is healthy to hear differing opinions. You mY not be swayed by them, but soneone else’s opinion is as valid to them as yours is to you. We need to remember that.

  8. It is still possible to treat others the way we want to be treated….validated and respected!!

  9. Very well said Micki. I totally agree. We each have are own way of thinking which enables us to form our opinions. I do believe there are many times when our opinions could be wrong especially when it comes to beliefs. The old saying can I stick in my two cents kind of sums up opinions.

    1. There are definitely times when we are wrong. It is a wise person who learns to listen to the opinions of others and see if his / her opinion is worth holding onto.
      Thanks for checking in!

  10. Micki,
    I still tell my kids the same thing I heard growing up…”opinions are like….everybody’s got one” and sometimes it’s just better to keep it to yourself. We live in a very liberal community and people just don’t afford eacother a different opinion than theirs. Either go along or be an outcast…I don’t even dare to speak aloud how I feel about anything that may be deemed controversial….which nowadays is just about anything. Thank you for your post. I enjoy reading!

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