Group of kids at Bemis WV

Reading time:  Approximately 3 minutes

Do you ever feel “stuck” and you just aren’t sure how to get from where you are to where you want to be?


A few weeks ago, I was lucky enough to spend a day at Bemis with my brother, sister and cousins.  Bemis is where, as kids, we spent ten glorious days together enjoying basically nothing but the sun, the river and each other.  It has been decades since we have all been together at the place where so many of our childhood memories were formed.

(You can read a little about Bemis here)

When we were young, we often walked upriver to swim.  This time was no different.  After an enjoyable afternoon swimming, someone posed the question; “who is going back by the path and who is going by the river?”

Because I love to walk and float the river, I chose the river.

As I navigated the water, I realized that it was not going to be as easy as I remembered.  My feet slipped, my ankles twisted, and I fell butt first right into the water more than once.  There were a couple of places where I floated with my legs in front of me so I could push off the rocks that were hidden beneath the surface. 

Changing my mind quickly became a non-option, as going back would have been as difficult as going forward

The bridge was my goal and continuing downstream was the only real way to get there.

One slippery rock, one cold fall at a time.


The secret to getting from where you are to where you want to be is really no secret. 


It is the same formula that got me down the river that day and can serve as a guide to getting wherever it is you want to be.


You know where you are, the question is; where do you want to be?


For me, the bridge was where I wanted to be.


And then the decision; how do you get there?


I definitely didn’t choose the easiest, or even the fastest path to the bridge (which, ironically, pretty much sums up every decision I ever make).

But it was the path I chose and it had to be navigated if I wanted to get out of the river.

One step, one fall, at a time. 


And that is the answer to how you get to where you want to be.


One step, one fall at a time.  No turning back.  It may be a rocky path.  There may be times you have to sit down and float so you can kick off the rocks beneath the surface, but the answer is to keep moving forward. 

Eventually, I came to the part of the river I love the most, sitting down and enjoying the ride down the falls to the bridge.


Eventually, one step will turn into the next and eventually the bliss of the sweet ride to success. 


So no matter whether you are trying to clean a kitchen or navigate a career change, the answer to how to get from where you are to where you want to be is pretty simple, look at your version of the bridge and keep moving towards it, one little step at a time.

Happy swimming!



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